LSU women’s golfer Latanna Stone rock solid in qualifying for U.S. women’s amateur

LSU golfer Latanna Stone, who will be a junior in the 2021-22 school year for the Tigers, qualified for the 121st U.S. Women’s Amateur to be played Aug. 2-8 at the Westchester Country Club in Rye, New York.

Stone captured one of the five qualifying spots through a qualifier Thursday at the Streamsong Resort Black Course in Bowling Green, Florida.

Stone, who is listed from Riverview, Florida, posted a 1-under 72 on the par 73, 6,338 layout to tie for the fourth and fifth qualifying spots with Lauren Miller of Niceville, Florida. Elle Nachmann was the medalist at 4-under 69.

Stone had two birdies on her front nine on the 512-yard par 5 fourth hole and on the 299-yard par 4 sixth hole.

Stone’s only miscue was a bogey on one of the two par 3 holes on the final nine.

Stone earned first-team All-SEC honors for the Tigers and honorable mention All-America honors in helping lead LSU to the NCAA Championships and a ninth-place finish.

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