Tigers hosting Privateers in 20-inning baseball scrimmage

PHOTO by Jonathan Mailhes

LSU’s baseball team will face the UNO Privateers in a fall scrimmage that begins at 12 p.m. Sunday in Alex Box Stadium.

Gates to the stadium will open at 11 a.m. CT, and admission and parking are free.

LSU and UNO will play a total of 20 innings on Sunday, as the scrimmage will be divided into two 10-inning segments with a 30-minute break in between.

The Tigers will also play host to a fall scrimmage next Sunday, November 14, at 11 a.m. CT versus UL Lafayette.

LSU has engaged in intrasquad scrimmages since fall practice began on October 8, so Sunday’s matchup with UNO will mark the Tigers’ first opportunity to face outside competition.

“As it relates to our team, the heartbeat is a little different when it’s a competition with somebody else,” LSU first-year coach Jay Johnson said. “I want to see how guys manage that, how they move in that environment, how they pick themselves up after some failure and how they continue to play through success.

“We want to create and establish on gameday a method to move the way winning college baseball teams do. I think this is a good opportunity to learn what that looks like and measure players’ responses to situations that arise in the game.”

LSU’s fall practice period continues through November 21. The Tigers open the 2022 season on February 18 vs. Maine in Alex Box Stadium.

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